1(613-297-9467) | support@projectdignityforall.org
PROJECT DIGNITY for ALL (Tuesday, July 9, 2019)

PROJECT DIGNITY for ALL (Tuesday, July 9, 2019)

We do not have a whole lot to report for this update. We have had a few donations from some of Beau’s co-workers since our last outreach and wanted to say a huge thank you to the following lovely, generous people:

   Hussein donated several extremely nice men’s golf shirts. Thanks to you we now have a few more men’s items for this Saturday’s outreach.  

   Corina and her daughters donated two huge bags full of wonderful women’s clothing and other items, including jackets, PJ’s, shorts, tanks, summer tops, t-shirts, multiple blouses, dresses, jeans, cardigan, leggings, sports pants, lots of socks, and multiple purses.

    Martin arranged for another donation of beautiful women’s tops. We thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and generosity! We will make sure that all these wonderful items go directly to those who really need them the most!

   Our next outreach is planned for this Saturday, July 13th. We will be heading over to the Salvation Army for approximately 10:00 AM. We absolutely welcome anyone who would like to join us for a coffee and chat. If you would like to bring along some items to donate that would be great! We are extremely low on men’s clothing! If anyone has any clean, gently used, in season men’s items that you are disposing of, please think of Project Dignity for All!

   We want to thank each and every one of you for any and all donations. Without all of you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do!