1(613-297-9467) | support@projectdignityforall.org


   Beau and I woke early yesterday, Saturday, September 7th, still anticipating heading downtown for our Outreach # 14. We knew that the weather forecast was not great, but we decided to wait and make a final decision by 10:00 AM. We packed up the car with a full rack worth of clothing, shoes, toiletries, table, and rack. We pre-prepared the coffee in the urn but didn’t plug it in. We cut up a bunch of fresh fruit and filled up 40 individual bags. Each bag contained slices of watermelon, apple wedges, and both red & green grapes.

We had everything ready to go, but alas, Mother Nature did not feel like co-operating! There was a steady rain at 10:00 AM and the weather outlook for the next day was much better, so we decided to postpone until today (Sunday, September 8th).

   Just as a quick side note, this Friday we had a last-minute donation of multiple pairs of shoes. Thank you so much Dr.Doumit, Alexandre and Michael for your generous donation. Donations of men’s shoes are something that we are always in great need of, especially as the temperature starts to drop! We already brought the six pairs of great looking, almost new running shoes with us for this outreach.

   Since everything was already packed and ready to go, we slept in a little bit longer this morning. We made sure to have the coffee ready for 10:30 AM. We packed the urn, the cooler full of fruit, and the cooler with the milk, cream, and sugar. We headed downtown and arrived in front of the Salvation Army just before 11:00 AM. As usual, we set up the table for coffee and the cooler with fruit. We set up the rack with the clothing, put out the shoes, the work boots, as well as a large bag full of socks.

In no time, we had a steady stream of fellows looking through the clothing, enjoying some fresh fruit, as well as a good, strong cup of coffee, and some friendly conversation. Within the span of an hour, there were only a few lonely items left on the rack and the fruit was all gone. There are six very happy individuals, who are now walking around with some really nice, comfortable runners. The construction boots were also really appreciated by another gentleman. While were packing up the car, we really felt in our hearts that it was another really successful outreach!

   As always, we are in need of men’s clothing and footwear that is in season! The donations we get in the next few weeks will be handed out directly to those who need it the most during our next outreach (#15) planned for Saturday, September 21, 2019).  If anyone wants to donate to Project Dignity For All, please email us or message us through F.B.                                                  

   We thank each and every one of you for any and all donations. Without all of you, we couldn’t do what we do!