1(613-297-9467) | support@projectdignityforall.org
PROJECT DIGNITY LATEST UPDATE (Tuesday, September 24, 2019)

PROJECT DIGNITY LATEST UPDATE (Tuesday, September 24, 2019)

   As we mentioned in our last update a few days ago, we had to, unfortunately, postpone our Outreach # 15 for this upcoming Saturday, September 28th. We were already completely prepared for the outreach that was planned for this past Saturday; however, a last-minute crisis forced us to delay by one week. I took advantage of this delay by spending a good number of hours going through, sorting and organizing the latest donation items we have received in the last few weeks. Last week I briefly mentioned a large donation by a lovely lady named Vatt. We want to say a huge thank you again for the generous donation of men’s clothing, including a large variety of jackets and coats for all different seasons, suits, multiple sweaters, dress shirts, shorts, pants, boxers, ties, PJ pants, long underwear, t-shirts, shoes, as well as, women’s fancy dresses, office attire, mitts, hat and a blanket. We will pass the fancier women’s dresses and office wear onto another organization that helps women, called “Dress for Success”.  We also want to thank our dear brother-in-law for passing on some button-down shirts, t-shirts, and hoodie. We really appreciate your support! We want to say a final thank you to Beau’s co-worker and good friend Martin, who generously donated a bag full of men’s clothing, including jeans, shorts, dress shirts, t-shirts, socks, belt, and tie. We want all of you to know that we will be passing these items directly on to those who need them the most!

   Our next Outreach # 15 is planned for this Saturday, September 28, 2019. We plan on arriving in front of the Salvation Army between 10:30 AM and 11:00 AM. Anyone who wants to join us for a coffee and a chat is more than welcome! Donations can also be dropped off at any of our outreach days, between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Just look for the Project Dignity vehicle. You can’t miss us!

   We want to thank each and every one of you for any and all donations. Without all of you, we couldn’t do what we do!