Since having to postpone our Outreach # 23, due to the extreme cold and snowstorm last weekend, we have been hoping for good weather for today! Although the forecast today is for freezing rain and snow, it is not supposed to start until after 2:00 PM, and the temperature is really mild. It will be a perfect morning for an over-due outreach! Last night, we filled 48 sandwich bags with a tasty butter croissant each and we also put out a box of 64 protein bars.
We woke up at our usual 6:30 AM, had a quick breakfast, and then got to work preparing for the day. We planned on bringing 30 cups of coffee, and 30 cups of hot chocolate, but soon realized that we were out of hot chocolate! Luckily Walmart opens at 7:00 AM, so Beau quickly went on a hot chocolate buying mission, and saved the day! Once he was back, we made the hot beverages and cram-packed the car full of everything that we could possibly need for successful outreach. (Since I have listed everything that we bring a number of times already in previous posts, I will no longer list everything.) We were also looking forward to seeing Beau’s co-worker Suzanne, who was coming by to hang out and help out with today’s outreach. Once we were all packed up, we headed downtown at about 9:50 AM.
We arrived in front of the Salvation Army at 10:05 AM. We noticed that there were quite a large number of people outside enjoying the mild weather. As soon as we got out of the car, a nice fellow came over and offered to help us set up. This made things go even quicker, so we were done in no time at all! We always place the coffee and hot chocolate containers on the table, along with the cream, milk, sugar, cups, etc. We added the croissants and protein bars. We also put the 3 drawer chest on the other side of the table, so that it is more at eye level. We filled the rack with the clothing, including winter coats, put out some men’s boots, the 3 bins with tuques, mitts, gloves, scarves, socks, and underwear. This time we also put out 8 blankets.
In a very short time, there was quite a crowd picking out clothing, helping themselves to a hot beverage, croissant, protein bar, and maybe a toothbrush and paste. Soon after we set up, Beau’s co-worker Suzanne arrived as promised. Not only was she there to help out, but she also brought along a large number of items to add to the rack, bins, and toiletry chest. We all had an amazing time helping the fellows, and a few ladies, placing items in a bag, or helping prepare a coffee or hot chocolate, and enjoying some great chats and laughs.
Thank you so very much, Suzanne, for your help and generousity! It was a pleasure having you there with us, and we certainly look forward to seeing you again at our next outreach.
There are usually mostly men around when we are out doing outreach, but this time there were three women who were happy to pick out some items of clothing, winter jackets, and boots. We had a really nice interaction with one of the regular women, Emily, who is always so sweet and appreciative of anything she receives. It is a pleasure chatting with you Emily.
You are always in bright spirits, despite the challenges you face! With your big smile, you are like a little ray of sunshine, and have a special spot in my heart!
At 11:30 AM, we realized that the coffee and hot chocolate containers were empty, the snacks were all gone, and only a few lonely items were left on the rack. The men’s boots and 8 blankets were also gone. We started packing up the car, and we said our goodbyes to Suzanne and to anyone who was still hanging around. It was 11:50 AM when we headed home feeling happiness and love in our hearts after such a successful outreach day! Mother Nature co-operated, and the freezing rain started only after we had arrived home safely and had unpacked the car. We give our thanks to the universe for that. Thank you also so very much to everyone who helped make this day possible!
We want to thank each and every one of you for any and all donations. Without all of you, we couldn’t do what we do!