It is hard to believe that January has already passed us by! We have had a few donations since our last update on January 21st. Our wonderful neighbour and friend Sharon once again spread the word and arranged for a number of donations from her co-workers.

The first was from a lovely lady named Mary, who passed along two bags full of clothing, including two winter jackets, ski pants, winter boots, thick socks, 3 tuques, 3 pairs of gloves, and some small bottles of toiletries. Thank you so much, Mary, for your generosity! We also want to thank another one of Sharon’s co-workers for also donating a large amount of men’s items, such as 3 pairs of winter boots, spring boots, 3 pairs of runners, 10 pairs of jeans/cords, sports pants and jacket, winter jacket, 4 sweaters, as well as woman’s winter vest and 4 sweaters. Sharon also managed to pass along 3 men’s sweatshirts though the Orleans Buy Nothing group.

We can’t thank you enough Sharon for your continuous, ongoing support, and for arranging all these donations! We are proud to have you as part of our Project Dignity family.
As I had already mentioned during our last outreach update, Beau’s co-worker Suzanne joined us for Outreach # 23 and brought along a large number of items that we added to the rack, bins and toiletry chest. It was wonderful having you there Suzanne, and we really appreciate the donation. As you now know first hand, the items really do go to those individuals who really need them the most!

The last donation we have received was waiting for us in front of our door when we arrived home from work yesterday evening. It was a large bag full of men’s clothing, such as a winter jacket, flannel shirt, 18 t-shirts, 2 golf shirts, sweatshirts, and 2 sweaters. There was not a note attached to the bag, so we want to say a heartfelt thank you to whomever generously, but anonymously passed on these much-needed items. We will definitely be bringing them with us for our next outreach.
Out next outreach (#24) is planned for this Saturday, February 8th, weather permitting. So far the long-range forecast looks pretty good. We will be arriving in front of the Salvation Army by 10:30 AM as usual, and welcome anyone who wants to come to join us for a coffee/hot chocolate and a chat. Donations can also be dropped off to us while we are there. We wish everyone a wonderful rest of the week and a great upcoming weekend!
We want to thank each and every one of you for any and all donations. Without all of you, we couldn’t do what we do!