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PROJECT DIGNITY FOR ALL – OUTREACH # 24 (Saturday, February 15, 2020)

PROJECT DIGNITY FOR ALL – OUTREACH # 24 (Saturday, February 15, 2020)

   WE woke up at about 6:30 AM to a crisp, cold, sunny morning. With the forecasted high of only – 18 to -16 degrees with the wind-chill, we would definitely need to dress in multiple warm layers for the few hours we would be spending outside! We already knew we would be getting lots of help today, as two of Beau’s co-workers, and good friends, Denis & Suzanne, had both promised to join us this morning.

   After a hearty breakfast and a cup of coffee/tea, we set off to work organizing, preparing, and packing up the car with everything we could possibly need for our outreach.  


We made 48 cups of hot chocolate and 55 cups of coffee. We filled 48 individual bags with 2 large, glazed donuts in each. The trunk was crammed packed full of clothing and footwear, including a brand new, really warm pair of size 12 men’s winter boots. For today’s outreach, we did bring some of the clothing items and boots that had only just been donated a few days ago, from two lovely, kind ladies named Nicole and Heather. I will talk in greater detail about these donations in my up-coming Project Dignity Latest Update next Tuesday. Once we were completely packed, we did a quick stop at Dollarama to buy some extra coffee cups, and then we were on our way downtown.

   We arrived in front of the Salvation Army at 10:25 AM and quickly started setting up the table with the coffee, hot chocolate, and supplies, as well as the three drawer chest full of toiletries. We also put together the rack, hung up the clothing, and put out the bins full of socks & boxers, as well as tuques, mitts, gloves, scarves, etc. No sooner were we done setting up, and we had a wonderful surprise!

Our neighbors and good friends, Sharon and Earl, along with their son Patrick, dropped by to hang out and help out with today’s outreach. They brought along some winter jackets, boots, and a box of protein bars to hand out.

Not long after they had arrived, Denis, and then Suzanne also joined us. Suzanne brought along a number of donations, such as a bin full of socks, tuques, and multiple bars of Irish Spring soap, each packed with a facecloth. It was so much fun having all of you guys there, and we really appreciate all of the help! Soon after setting up, there was a large crowd gathering around to shop for clothing, help themselves to a hot beverage and a sweet treat, as well as have a nice chat and good laugh with all of us. The sun was shining brightly, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. We kept an eye open for anyone who could use a pair of winter boots. Finally, we met a nice fellow named Peter, who was wearing a worn-out pair of running shoes.

He happened to be a size 12, so we offered him the new pair of boots. Peter was so very grateful! We want you to know, Nicole that those brand new pair of winter boots did indeed go directly to someone who really did need them! Peter was literally brought to tears, as Beau helped him put on his new boots. He just kept saying “Thank you, thank you! I can’t believe that I am getting a new pair of warm boots today! Thank you, thank you!” It seemed like only a very short time had gone by, and already all of the hot chocolate was gone, as well as most of the coffee, and all of the treat. 

Most of the clothing items, boots, and blanket were also gone. It was time to pack up and head home. We said our goodbyes to Sharon, Earl, Patrick, as well as Denis and Suzanne. We quickly packed up the car and were on our way. What a most wonderful outreach day it had been! We both had a warm glow in our hearts, and we are pretty sure that all of our kind, hard-working volunteers were feeling the same way! Thank you all again so much for your continuous support, and for being such important members of the “Project Dignity for All” family! It was so much fun having you there and we really appreciate it so very much!

   We are still in much need of MEN’S warm, winter clothing, jackets, snow pants, and boots of all sizes. We are also in need of hotel-sized toiletries, such as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and lotion.

We want to thank each and every one of you for any and all donations. Without all of you, we couldn’t do what we do!