Project Dignity for All Update (Tuesday, May 28, 2019) Like most everyone, we had a really busy long weekend, followed by an equally busy week. The week before, we had decided it would be beneficial to order a portable, stainless steel garment rack, on which we could use hangers to display the various items
OUTREACH # 7 (Saturday, May 18, 2019) The alarm woke us up bright and early at 6:00 AM this morning. We had decided that we would be downtown by 10:30 AM the latest, and we still had to go through some clothing and finish filling up some Project Dignity bags. Once we finally finished,
Outreach # 6 Sunday, May 5, 2019 Before we were to head out for our 6th outreach, we already had 64 Project Dignity bags, that we filled last weekend, ready to go. On Saturday we had stopped at Dollarama to buy a bunch of toothbrushes since we still had a few boxes of travel